Storm over Beetley

Just after 10.30 last night, Julie spotted some flashes of lightning out of the living room window. They grew in frequency and intensity, and were soon followed by the sound of distant thunder from the south. Ollie is not always scared of storms, but something about this one made him jumpy. He was barking at every thunderclap, and pushing against our legs, for reassurance.

It was’t long before the tempest drew closer, lightning illuminating the dark night sky, all the more powerful for the absence of any light pollution in this area. By the time Julie was ready for bed, the flashes were unusually frequent, and the thunder seemed to be above our heads. Ollie had appeared to calm down, and by 12.30, he took himself off to bed. The rain had started, and could be heard falling with some force, but he seemed to settle.

About an hour later, I went to bed. Julie was still awake, unable to sleep for the now continuous lightning, which was lighting up the bedroom like a powerful flash gun, every few seconds. The rain had turned to hail, and was clattering against the windows with considerable power. After a while, Julie got up and closed the window. We had to settle for a fan to combat the humidity, as the water was coming in through the open window at a worrying rate. It wasn’t going away, and the room was in almost permanent illumination, with the thunder rumbling like a jet aircraft overhead.

Julie eventually checked on Ollie, who was no longer resting, but sitting up, and looking very distressed. She brought him into the bedroom and comforted him, and he settled down on the floor next to my side. We were worried about potential damage to the large oak trees, in case any branches fell onto the house. I was also worried about a possible flood in the shed, as this has happened before. Neither of us could quite remember a storm like it in the UK, for the sheer duration and intensity was like nothing we had ever experienced. The sound of the rain and hail on the windows and the flat roof of the extension was so loud, it seemed to be coming from inside the house itself.

We got little sleep, especially Julie, who had to get up for work at the usual time. The morning was warm and calm, and there was little evidence of the tumult of the night before. The shed wasn’t flooded, and no branches had fallen. The ground was almost dry, and nothing untoward was discovered. Some parts of the region had experienced flooding, according to the news, and we had obviously had power outages, as the digital clocks all needed to be reset. But otherwise, all was well.

That was some storm though. It really was.

14 thoughts on “Storm over Beetley

  1. Apparently we had a storm like this a couple of nights ago in my area, but either I live in a pocket of no storm, or I slept through it, oblivious (quite possible, it’s happened before) 😳


  2. We rarely have thunderstorms here in Las Vegas, but back in the Midwest, where I grew up, we had some spectacular ones. I always found them quite thrilling, but also a bit worrisome if the TV station was announcing a tornado watch or…warning.


    1. There have been tornadoes here too, but they are nothing like the huge destructive ones you get in America. Give them time, they are still learning…
      Best wishes, Pete.


  3. We seem to have a storm once every couple of weeks, more so in the spring. We have a great vantage point here and we can see them coming or passing by from miles away. Unfortunately Jackie, like Ollie, can be unsettled by them. She provides a good early warning system as she often hears them in the distance long before we do and takes up residence somewhere close to me.
    Storms here tomorrow looking at the forecast, which is a good thing as it will be 33C today, great weather for adding 60 tonnes of rubble to the road!
    Hope the weather stays good for you 🙂


  4. Happy to hear your shed didn’t flood… But, sad to hear your night of peaceful sleep was disturbed for the two of you.. May you both have sweet dreams tonight…

    Peaceful dreams , from Laura ~


      1. Pete, that’s great news…we all need to catch up from time to time. I too needed extra zzz’s yesterday and slept in the afternoon for 3 hours, of which I never nap… at least yet…

        Building the 3rd Permaculture bed did me in for a day… Now I feel like my old self once again.. wink

        Take care and have a great Saturday across the pond, from Laura ~


  5. Sounds like torrential downpours, Pete! And also it sounds a bit frightening. And then again I think, it’s a good opportunity to get the camera out and get some truly amazing shot of the flashes of lightening … 😉
    I tend to worry about getting hit by the lightening, it actually happened to a house in North Norfolk. yesterday, according to EDP. A couple of years ago in Norway or house was hit by lightning, it didn’t burn, but the telephone system got killed and also the deep freezer said goodbye, that was a very costly number, it was a huge deep freezer filled with all kinds of goodies … 😦

    Wishing the tree of you a good nights sleep tonight.
    Greetings from Norway, Dina, Siri and Selma
    and Klausbernd in Cley


    1. Thanks Dina. I was too tired to try camera shots, I’m afraid. Julie’s house in Watford was struck by lightning some years ago. Burnt out the telephone and TV aerial. Scary stuff, at times.
      Best wishes as always, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think it’s the lightening that gets me more than the thunder. Especially at night when it is like a strobe effect. I always think about Close Encounters and the sense of trepidation makes the minutes feel like hours.


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