When The Fates conspire…

I wrote yesterday about being covered in rashes and bites. On top of that, the hay fever season is especially bad this year, and I am streaming from the eyes and nose. Add to this a heavy summer cold and cough, and the recent spell of nice weather has become increasingly difficult to enjoy.

So, to cheer us up, and for a change on a Saturday evening, we decided to go to the nearby Thai restaurant, where we always enjoy good food, and a pleasant night out. We had to book an early reservation, as they were unusually busy. It is within walking distance, and this is one of the added attractions, not having to drive there. However, the uncomfortable humid weather brought heavy skies, and the promise of rain. By the time we had to leave, at 6.15 pm, Julie decided not to risk any thunderstorms, and said she would drive us there in her car. Light rain on the way confirmed her fears, and by the time we arrived, it was raining a lot heavier.

The food was excellent, the staff as friendly as ever, and we were glad to have made the effort to get out of the house, and enjoy the change. By 8.40 pm, we were back at home relaxing, and watching a film on TV. At around 10.30, we were startled by the doorbell ringing. Beetley is a very quiet place, dark and sleepy by this time. Someone calling at that hour is not only unusual, it is almost unheard of. I went out, and saw two people with torches on the driveway. As I got closer, I realised that they were police officers. One of them shone his torch across the road outside. “Could that be your car?” He asked. I was shocked to see Julie’s car up against the wall of the house opposite. I replied, “Hang on, I will go and get my wife.”

We went over to the house of the neighbour across the road. Our car had rolled off the driveway, sedately crossed the street, then continued across his front lawn, before falling into the gap by his side entrance. The back of the car was hard against his brickwork, and the rear wheels suspended in space, jammed by some half-logs that surround his grass. It was too dark to do anything about it, and the police made some cursory checks before leaving, happy to conclude that it was no more than a simple vehicular mishap. Our neighbour wasn’t even at home. He had checked his security cameras remotely, seen a car against his back gate, and presumed that a burglary was in progress. He had called the police from where he was, almost 100 miles away, and they had responded expecting to find suspects at the scene.

This morning, we can see it all in better light. The wheels are stuck fast, his newly-landscaped lawn and log border have been slightly disturbed, and there is some damage to the rear of Julie’s car, as well as to the underside. The insurance company are recovering the vehicle to be repaired locally. They will supply a replacement car for one week too. When our neighbour arrives back today, we will give him the details, so that he can claim for repairs to his property. No harm done, nobody injured, more inconvenience and embarrassment than drama. Things that can be fixed, and only a small amount to pay.

If only we had stayed at home…

47 thoughts on “When The Fates conspire…

    1. Funnily enough, Lloyd, just a few weeks after Julie had her car fixed, someone hit it in the same part at the back when it was parked where she works. She now has to get it fixed again!
      Best wishes, Pete.


  1. I just realised that I left my previous comment on the wrong post, I had a few on email and popped into comment. I must have missed this post altogether…….makes you wonder what might have happened in a busy area!
    Good to hear no real damage done.


    1. We have to be glad that it was very quiet at the time, and that the neighbours took it so well too.
      One of the benefits of a sleepy village, I suppose.
      Cheers mate, Pete.


  2. On a couple of occasions, I’ve had a vehicle begin to roll backwards after stepping out of it. Emergency brakes are sometimes useless. Anyway, I’ve always succeeded in chasing the vehicle, jumping in, and stopping it before any harm was done. Maybe you need a “speed bump” at the bottom of your driveway?


    1. Thanks, Em. The police turned out because they thought the burglars were still in the house, and about to use Julie’s car to flee with the loot!
      Maybe we should have spun the gaff after they left! XXX

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  3. Oh blimey, Pete you should never have retired and moved to Beetlebum, really it’s not working out!! 😀 seriously though, am glad the damage to the car and the neighbour is minimal. I love Thai food, but it’s not worth a driver-brain-fart 😀 😀 It’s raining, or has been here too, but have been quite glad of it, puddles at last! Hope you have a better week!


    1. You can have those puddles for your reflection shots, FR, and welcome to them. We had downpours all night, and it has rained since 3 pm today. Humid, uncomfortable, and grey skies. What happened to that three-day summer?
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s less than a year old, GP. It has only done 4,000 miles, so it was not a mechanical problem. She just forgot to apply the parking brake, trying to get out too hurriedly, as it was raining cats and dogs!


  4. Pete, my friend don’t fret over bad luck as this too will in time prove to be a reason for all of what you wrote about in your post here…. I too was just saying to myself the other day, “if it wasn’t for bad luck ~ I’d have no luck at all.”

    I was thinking about the entries to my very first raffle draw and feeling a little low by the volume of entries, so I mumbled that little saying to myself and continued on with my day…. As it turns out the winner of my raffle drawing is a niece of a good friend and she and her brother was out eating at McDonald’s with my friend at the time of viewing my little YouTube video…They are very young but took the task of naming my critter very seriously I’m told…. Can’t you just see the excitement on their faces when it was announced that they actually won… If the glass jar was filled to the top this occurrence might never have transpired…. So, I was very lucky, indeed… to have been a catalyst to giving a young child an adventure and joy..

    Take care, and wait for the good that is going to come out of that runaway vehicle… 🙂


  5. OMG – hand brake failure perhaps? I was wondering why the neighbour hadn’t called round himself until you mentioned he was away. Seemed a bit excessive to call the police, but then it made sense.


    1. The handbrake wasn’t applied, Jude. Julie realised that she hadn’t put it on, rushing to get out of the car during a cloudburst. The funny thing was that we didn’t hear it at all. It would be more amusing, were it not for the inconvenience…

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        1. The driveway has a very small incline, but enough to make it roll back, obviously. The recovery man reckons a new back bumper, which is about one third of the rear of the car. It could be driven, once they managed to free it.

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  6. oh my. I’m so sorry this happened! Maggie is feeling the effects of the allergy season as well and has been miserable. I do hope you feel better soon and that the insurance does right by you and your neighbor. At least no one got hurt! Woof!


  7. I’ve an idea our car ended up in the middle of the road one night, so tell Julie she’s not alone. I can’t remember the details because I was in bed and my husband dealt with it, but I don’t think it had made it across the street. In fact, I think the only problem was that it was in the way!

    Good to hear there was no major damage and that you enjoyed the Thai 🙂


    1. Thanks, Ros. The affected neighbour told us that he did the same thing recently, in the local leisure centre. He was very good about it, fortunately.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  8. A funny story! You are the king of dark humor. It really takes you 2.5 hours to eat at a Thai restaurant? We went out to our favorite spot last week and were in and out in less than an hour. Then home to watch a movie? You stay up to ten-thirty? I’ve long gone to bed. See, you aren’t so old or boring!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was about two hours in the restaurant, Cindy. We had starters, then a break before a main course. After that, we sat around a while for me to finish a bottle of wine and to chat to the owner, so home by 8.40 pm. I often don’t go to bed until after 1 am, especially at weekends, when Julie doesn’t have to work. Maybe not so old and boring then, after all!
      Glad you enjoyed the tale of our motoring mishap.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Geez Cindy. When we’re out with our friends we couldn’t possibly leave a restaurant in anything under 2.5 hours. Albeit that’s all the catching up that draws it out. Then we go somewhere else for cocktails or coffee. If we pike before midnight I wonder what’s wrong with us but it’s getting harder every year and I certainly don’t get up before the sun. 🙂 2am very impressive, although I do like the quiet. That’s why I stay up until 2am. 🙂

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      1. Ah. I wouldn’t have missed it because I’m catching up on seven years without Thai, Chinese, Indian etc. I’ve had such a longing I can’t get enough! But I’d probably feel the same as you if I was in your shoes. Take care. x


  9. Sorry to hear about that freak accident to Julie’s car and to your neighbor’s lawn. At least you enjoyed going out before it happened. I am still busy with our gardening but managed a single post at my garden blog.


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