Random questions: Part two

A while ago, I posted about some of those questions that cause frustration in life. Parking in supermarkets, littering, driving in the middle lane, that sort of thing. I mentioned that there might be more questions to come, and here they are.

Why don’t some dog owners clean up after their dog?

As a responsible dog owner myself, I always clean up after Ollie. I make sure to take out a reasonable supply of poo bags, and keep a good eye out for when he has done whatever he is going to do. The bags are cheap, picking up the stuff is easy and hygienic, and there are lots of bins placed around to deposit the bags into. Yet a huge percentage of other dog owners never bother. They don’t even carry the bags in the first place, and have adopted an attitude of complete indifference to the dog poo that they leave in their wake. They make it bad for everyone, as all dog owners get the blame, even the conscientious ones. It is most annoying.

Why do people who didn’t vote complain so much about the result?

This is a long-term problem, but is also very topical, given the recent results in our Referendum, and the US election. You must have met them yourself. Bleating on about this or that result, whether or not we should have stayed in or out of the EU, or what the local Council is doing with the rates they collect. I always ask them, “So how did you vote?” I often get the reply, “Oh I didn’t bother to vote. They are all the same, these politicians.” Then why do they whine? Get off of the sofa, and cast your vote. You still may not win, but you just might make a difference.

Why are people rude to shop staff?

Most people who work in shops and supermarkets these days would sooner not have to do that job. The hours are awful, the pay is very low, and the working conditions are often poor. Gone are the days of owners running their own businesses, in most cases. Shop staff these days are little more than corporate cannon fodder, treated as disposable as the carrier bags that they used to give away.
So why do people moan at these unfortunates? Why do they complain to some harassed housewife on £7 an hour about the waiting times at a checkout, or because their size 18 top was too tight? Just leave them alone, and direct your spite at the people really in charge.
Be nice, for once in your life.

Why do fit and well people park in spaces for the Disabled?

(This has a sub-question too. Why do people use disabled permits when they do not have the disabled person with them?) I know that driving around looking for a space can seem to be a pain at times. But in the grand scheme of things, it is hardly comparable to trying to survive in Aleppo is it? So why do you just swoop into a parking spot clearly marked for disabled users? What level of selfishness and disregard for decency is required to make you behave in this way? What makes you so important that you cannot bear to walk an extra ten yards to make your purchase? Disabled permits are not that easy to get, believe me. If they get one, you can be sure that they almost certainly need it. So have some respect for that, and while you are at it, have some self-respect too. Just stop doing it!

What happened to good manners?

At what stage did it become acceptable to not offer a seat on public transport to someone elderly, a pregnant woman, or someone carrying a baby? When was it ever OK to barge onto a bus before people who had been patiently queuing for ages? Why do you shout into your mobile phones in public places, and tell everyone around you what you are talking about? And when was it ever acceptable to scoff down some repulsive take-away food whilst sitting next to me on a bus? Did you never hear about holding open doors for the person following behind you either? How about saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’ in shops? Where did that go? Perhaps lessons in manners and general good behaviour should be taught in schools these days. We used to just ‘know’. Maybe because our parents brought us up properly.

More random questions will undoubtedly follow.

51 thoughts on “Random questions: Part two

  1. Way behind, I’ve been overly busy moving. Well, the questions are great ones and I’ve thought the same things. My biggest pet-peeve lately is profanity. I hear it at school constantly by students. If I had a dime for the many times I correct/warn/admonish/punish students for dropping the F bomb every day, I’d be a millionaire.


    1. Younger people say F*** as if it is just conversation. I swear myself on occasion, but I have never considered it to be acceptable in ‘normal’ conversation in the same way that my step children think that it is perfectly normal. In 60 years, my mother never once heard me swear.


  2. I think people who are perfectly well and park in disabled spaces are shocking. It’s so selfish to do that, when someone who really needs it doesn’t get it. Wish some people would think about others once in a while.


  3. Oh my don’t get me started too,,, I have pondered over each and every question in your post here today. I had to delete what I said next.. I went on a bit of a rant.. deep breath Laura, perhaps there will be a turn around soon.. And, manners will return..

    Take care, Laura


  4. Here here and here here. Thank you to you and Ollie for your excellent work. I have a sister who is disabled and remember when the parking spots and permits started when I was a kid. My parents would never use their permit if my sister was not in the car and have noticed over the years people who do park in them illegally. Given the difficulty it can cause those who need the park I couldn’t agree more with you here. As someone who had held jobs in retail I agree heartily with you as well about decency. I’ve been offering my seats to women, the elderly and disabled people my whole life. Many women I guess for many reasons have sometimes turned the offer down and sometimes on principal I would not return to the seat. I understand their reasons for turning it down but I feared it would breed a culture where people would stop offering seats to those who need it. I do have to say though I’m a little sick and tired of the relaxed attitude and rudeness of some people in the service industry.


    1. Thanks for your comment, and your personal experiences, Lloyd.
      Much of what I wrote about here may well now be a lost cause.
      But as long as some of us are left to keep shouting about it, there is still hope.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  5. I put an old coat on recently only to find a roll of poo bags in the pocket! They used to have free bags at the entrance to some of the parkland in Jersey, but even then people still refused to pick up the poop, very annoying.
    The one thing I noticed when I first moved to Poland was how polite people are, unless they are working and then they become rude, still I always try and be pleasant! The concept of customer service has yet to reach some parts of the retail trade. However you can walk down the road in Gosias home town and be greeted with ‘good day’ by a number of people you don’t know and if you are waiting in a queue in a shop or office then people will always say hello and goodbye when they arrive and leave. Oddly the language doesn’t lend itself to saying please, but thank you is a must and when English is taught at school then manners are held high, so you will normally find that the Poles are big on please and thank you when they first arrive in the UK or other countries. Sadly bad habits are picked up quick.
    You will be pleased to know that Malinas training is going well and please and thank you are already second nature, so with that in mind I can only blame parents for a ruder generation.
    Good manners cost nowt’!


    1. Nice to hear about this from the Polish perspective, Eddy.
      ‘The language doesn’t lend itself to saying please’ was news to me, but of course I have never visited that country. Well done with Malina’s training, she will get the best from two cultures, I have no doubt.
      Best wishes, Pete.


      1. I should have explained that better. You don’t use please in the same way as you would in English, pass me the salt please would be pass me the salt. You tend to use please when you offer something to somebody, a bit like in German. Please is a reply to thank you! I hope that makes sense.


    1. There are still many polite people to be found, Susanne. But there was a time (at least over here) when everyone behaved well, and someone who chose not to would stand out, and be put in their place. Sadly, this generality is no longer the rule.
      Best wishes, Pete.


  6. Don’t get me started on dog poo Pete! Just stopped at an industrial heritage site where there are lots of walking trails and it is obviously a dog walkers’ favourite. I have never seen or smelled so much dog s**t – completely put me off wanting to walk there. And what IS it with those idiots who think it clever to throw their poo bag up into the trees and bushes? And as for manners, it is really down to parents I’m afraid and if they don’t have any then the kids have no chance.


    1. Even though I have a dog, I really hate people who leave dog poo around; and those stupid people who pick it up in a bag, only to dump the bag! That’s why I am so careful to always clean up after Ollie. But I am the first to agree that there are many dog owners who don’t bother.
      Best wishes, Pete. x

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Good questions Pete.Bad manners and rudeness seem to be more common nowadays.This will probably sound petty but I always hold the door for folks.And if they don’t say thank you it aggravats me.Just a common courtesy thing I guess.I was just brought up to say please and thank you.And I have one to add prod staring.It irks me.There again something my mom and dad drilled into me.Ok I am done ranting now.😊


    1. OK, you got me! But it is positive, I feel. Positive to hope that good manners will once again become the norm. Even if it something of a forlorn hope, I shall remain ‘positive’ that it might happen. 🙂
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I had to laugh at the ‘people who don’t vote’. Guess it’s the same with every country, eh?
    Not only do people feel that shop staff are there for their personal use as servants, the restaurant staff gets blamed for every mistake the chef makes!!
    Taking a disabled person’s parking space just proves how lazy they are and they don’t care who knows it. [I especially get teed off at those that have the disabled sticker but get out of the vehicle better than I do!]
    And – last but definitely not least – I didn’t know they still taught such things as good manners; I have run into quite a few that are old enough to be taught, but seem to have forgotten them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree that some restaurant staff should be better treated by the public. However (at least over here) there are many that adopt an officious attitude, and act as if they are doing you a favour to let you eat there in the first place. Shop staff are rarely rude to customers, in my experience.
      The ‘fit and well’ disabled badge people are generally those abusing the badge of a relative or friend. We have plenty of those here too.
      As for manners, it does seem to be a lost cause indeed, GP.
      Best wishes, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, people do abuse disabled parking spaces and yes it is annoying. However, please don’t be too quick to judge. The ‘fit and well’ disabled badge person might well be me – on a good day. But the nature of my condition is such that after I’ve walked a bit… or perhaps the very next time I stop and get out of the car… I may be unable to walk more than a few metres. Things aren’t always what they seem…


  9. Excellent questions, Pete. I don’t know that anyone has the answers. One can easily say that it all starts with the parents, but once children are independent adults they will often misbehave regardless of a proper upbringing, as they now they are influenced by society as a whole, which seems to be crumbling around us.

    Liked by 1 person

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