Jamiroquai: Another update

With apologies to everyone who is really fed up with hearing about this blog post, and the British Jazz/Funk band, Jamiroquai.

Despite the release of their new album a few days ago, the blogging phenomenon that is ‘Whatever happened to? : Jamiroquai’ continues. I had expected a slump in views of that post, once they had appeared on TV recently, and announced the release of their new CD.

After all, we now all know what happened to them, don’t we?

But the post continues to feature heavily here, and views are still consistent, albeit slightly reduced. That said, the post is number five on my most-read posts during the last seven days, and has had eight views already today.

One of these days, I might stop writing about them. But not just yet…

30 thoughts on “Jamiroquai: Another update

  1. I confess I was looking forward to a new post on the subject, because the same recently happened to me! My text on Elle (which I would not consider better or worse than any of my other texts, and would not single out as a personal favorite) kept the blog with much higher views than what it is accustomed to, even during a period of my posting almost nothing, rising quickly to 5th in all time views. I have to do some searching to see where it has been posted (I can’t imagine any other explanation, like people visiting my blog, just in order to read “Elle?”).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You may well be benefiting from that new mobile app too, Nandia. If someone had added a link to your review, it should have appeared as a ‘pingback’ from their site.
      Best wishes as always, Pete.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Nandia, it is called the Amp Project.

          Go to your admin dashboard.
          Click the bar graph for today.
          From the next page, select ‘Insights’
          Then select your blog from the list.
          On the next screen, select ‘Weeks’
          When that weekly overview appears, scroll down.
          On the bottom right, you will see ‘Referrers’
          See if there is a url for ‘The Amp Project’

          Best wishes, Pete.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hmmm, I only see under Referrers ‘Search Engines’ (google search for the crushing majority) and Facebook – and I verified, and can see Referrers in the Months and Years categories, and the result is exactly the same: Search engines, with a huge difference. Strange, given the steadily high number of views the text has been getting (that is, high for my standards, sort of keeping the blog afloat, when I’m not writing at all).

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Have been wondering how the post is doing as the album was Ken Bruce’s album of the week last week and today someone rang in to say how brilliant his concert was last night. I thought you might get more hits if new people are searching him now.

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